Minimum Planning changes in Halifax

The Halifax Regional Municipality (the municipality) is inviting residents to learn about changes the Province of Nova Scotia has made to the Halifax Charter’s Minimum Planning Requirements. The municipality is required to meet the new requirements and is running a 30-day public engagement period to notify residents of upcoming changes to land use planning.
The public engagement period will run from January 24 until February 24, 2025.
Learn more about how the municipality is meeting the Minimum Planning Requirements. A 30-day public engagement period is now open.
The Halifax Charter (“the Charter”) is provincial legislation that controls how the Municipality operates. The Minimum Planning Requirements are regulations that form part of the Charter. The municipality’s land use plans and strategies must meet these minimum requirements.
In August 2024, the province announced 12 new minimum planning requirements regulations. These requirements are intended to make sure that the municipality’s planning framework, including policies, by-laws, regulations, decisions and development approvals recognize the current housing crisis in the Halifax region and works to support the increase in housing supply.
On October 1, 2024, Regional Council directed staff to incorporate amendments to meet the Minimum Planning Requirements as part of the ongoing Regional Plan Review. As part of this direction, a public participation program was approved.
The municipality is required to meet these requirements and is running a 30-day public engagement period to notify residents of the upcoming changes.
What’s changing?
To comply with the new regulations, the municipality is making changes to the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy (the Regional Plan), secondary municipal planning strategies (Community Plans), and land use by-laws.
Some of the key changes made to adhere to the new Minimum Planning Requirements will affect requirements for bedroom unit mix within apartment buildings, parking requirements, how building height is measured, and ground-floor commercial use requirements.
To read about the changes, click here.
To check which land use by-law applies to your home, please visit the Community Plan Areas page.
How can I ask questions or share feedback?
The municipality is legally required to meet the Provincial requirements and is running a 30-day public engagement period to notify residents of the upcoming changes.
Comments can be submitted to until February 24, 2025.
Staff are available to answer questions at and over the phone at 902-943-5139.
What are the next steps?
The public engagement period is open from January 24 to February 24, 2025.
All comments will be brought to Regional Council.
Staff are working to bring forward the Minimum Planning Requirement Regulation amendments as part of the Regional Plan Review, in spring 2025.
To learn more about the Regional Plan Review, visit: