Off-Leash Dog Area in Eastern Passage

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Small black and white dog running on grass.

The Eastern Passage has been recognized as a priority area for a new dog off-leash area (OLA). Staff have identified four potential locations each with unique opportunities and constraints.

We want your feedback about community needs, concerns and location preferences.


Approach to Dog Off-leash Areas

In early 2018, Regional Council approved a staff report (see Important Links) which:

  • Directed staff to identify potential additional OLAs for the underserved communities of Cole Harbour, Eastern Passage, Spryfield area, and Dartmouth.
  • Adopted Administrative Order 2017-013-OP, Respecting Off-leash Dog Areas in Municipal Parks, which provides a framework to guide establishment of new OLA’s.

The purpose of the Administrative Order is to:

  • Recognize the health benefits & value of dog walking and exercising.
  • Provide adequate, appropriate, and safe off-leash areas.
  • Provide a level of service that is economically and environmentally sustainable, and in balance with other HRM objectives and priorities.

There are two types of OLAs:

  • Shared OLAs are designated areas in a park where off-leash dogs and other park users share the same space, this includes sports fields.
  • Dedicated OLAs are designed for off-leash dogs as the primary use and normally include fencing to contain activity.

Shared OLAs are preferred because they meet the needs of more than one user group (i.e. not only dog owners), they are less expensive and don’t need to be as large (dedicated facilities tend to draw from a wide area operating as regional facilities and therefore need to be of sufficient size).

Potential Sites in Eastern Passage
Using the evaluation criteria set out in the Administrative Order, staff have identified four potential sites:

  • Eastern Passage Common ROST ballfield*
  • Eastern Passage Common Seaside soccer field*
  • Shearwater Flyer Park (area between parking lot and trail)
  • Smelt Brook Park

*These locations would be off-leash in the winter from Nov. 1 – May 1 and open as a pilot project in the summer from June 1 – Nov. 1 in the mornings only (6 a.m. – 10 a.m.).

Eastern Passage Common

Opportunities for ROST Ballfield and Seaside Soccer Field

  • Fields are the most buffered areas from nearby residential areas (over 65m) within the Common
  • Little capital investment required
  • In centre of community
  • Parking available
  • Could be implemented right away


  • Sport field setting is unlikely to promote dog-owner exercise
  • Limited off-leash hours as facilities would be shared with sports field users in the summer
  • May be negative impacts on field quality from dog activity (ex. digging) and owners not picking up after their pet

Shearwater Flyer ParkOpportunities

  • Large area of undeveloped parkland (8 hectares) could accommodate an OLA with open space and trails
  • Adjacent to Shearwater Flyer trail and parking lot
  • Well removed from residential uses (over 300m)


  • Wetland areas on site
  • Considerable capital investment would be required to create a quality OLA, which would be tied to capital budget and take considerable time (several years) if approved by council
  • Not centrally located within community

Smelt Brook Park


  • Shared 300m of existing crusher dust linear trail, plus 150m informal trail
  • Promotes some dog-owner exercise
  • Could be implemented right away


  • Some sections of the existing trail are too close to residential areas and are therefore excluded
  • Wetland areas on site
  • Limited parking area
  • Not in centre of community


You can receive a paper copy of the survey by contacting Penelope Kuhn

The Eastern Passage has been recognized as a priority area for a new dog off-leash area (OLA). Staff have identified four potential locations each with unique opportunities and constraints.

We want your feedback about community needs, concerns and location preferences.


Approach to Dog Off-leash Areas

In early 2018, Regional Council approved a staff report (see Important Links) which:

  • Directed staff to identify potential additional OLAs for the underserved communities of Cole Harbour, Eastern Passage, Spryfield area, and Dartmouth.
  • Adopted Administrative Order 2017-013-OP, Respecting Off-leash Dog Areas in Municipal Parks, which provides a framework to guide establishment of new OLA’s.

The purpose of the Administrative Order is to:

  • Recognize the health benefits & value of dog walking and exercising.
  • Provide adequate, appropriate, and safe off-leash areas.
  • Provide a level of service that is economically and environmentally sustainable, and in balance with other HRM objectives and priorities.

There are two types of OLAs:

  • Shared OLAs are designated areas in a park where off-leash dogs and other park users share the same space, this includes sports fields.
  • Dedicated OLAs are designed for off-leash dogs as the primary use and normally include fencing to contain activity.

Shared OLAs are preferred because they meet the needs of more than one user group (i.e. not only dog owners), they are less expensive and don’t need to be as large (dedicated facilities tend to draw from a wide area operating as regional facilities and therefore need to be of sufficient size).

Potential Sites in Eastern Passage
Using the evaluation criteria set out in the Administrative Order, staff have identified four potential sites:

  • Eastern Passage Common ROST ballfield*
  • Eastern Passage Common Seaside soccer field*
  • Shearwater Flyer Park (area between parking lot and trail)
  • Smelt Brook Park

*These locations would be off-leash in the winter from Nov. 1 – May 1 and open as a pilot project in the summer from June 1 – Nov. 1 in the mornings only (6 a.m. – 10 a.m.).

Eastern Passage Common

Opportunities for ROST Ballfield and Seaside Soccer Field

  • Fields are the most buffered areas from nearby residential areas (over 65m) within the Common
  • Little capital investment required
  • In centre of community
  • Parking available
  • Could be implemented right away


  • Sport field setting is unlikely to promote dog-owner exercise
  • Limited off-leash hours as facilities would be shared with sports field users in the summer
  • May be negative impacts on field quality from dog activity (ex. digging) and owners not picking up after their pet

Shearwater Flyer ParkOpportunities

  • Large area of undeveloped parkland (8 hectares) could accommodate an OLA with open space and trails
  • Adjacent to Shearwater Flyer trail and parking lot
  • Well removed from residential uses (over 300m)


  • Wetland areas on site
  • Considerable capital investment would be required to create a quality OLA, which would be tied to capital budget and take considerable time (several years) if approved by council
  • Not centrally located within community

Smelt Brook Park


  • Shared 300m of existing crusher dust linear trail, plus 150m informal trail
  • Promotes some dog-owner exercise
  • Could be implemented right away


  • Some sections of the existing trail are too close to residential areas and are therefore excluded
  • Wetland areas on site
  • Limited parking area
  • Not in centre of community


You can receive a paper copy of the survey by contacting Penelope Kuhn

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please read over the project details provided prior to completing this short survey (approximately 5 minutes long) which will help us better understand community needs, concerns and location preferences.

    In accordance with Section 485 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), any personal information collected in this survey will only be used by municipal staff and, if necessary, individuals under a service contract with the Halifax Regional Municipality for purposes relating to planning for a dog off-leash area in Eastern Passage.  If you have any questions about the collection and use of this personal information, please contact the Access and Privacy Office at 902-490-7460 or 

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