Transcript of Voiceover Narration

PLANAPP-2023-00321 – 600 Bedford Highway, Halifax

Title Page

Hi there and welcome. My name is Taylor MacIntosh, I am an HRM City Planner and this is a presentation video for planning application 2023-00321 for 600 Bedford Highway, Halifax.


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We will be discussing an application made by Zzap Consulting on behalf of the property owner. The proposal is to construct an 8-storey apartment building.


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In Halifax we have a few different levels of planning documents, the Regional Plan being the first. The Regional Plan is a high-level document which directs where growth and investment in city services should occur, to work towards logical and efficient growth of our region.

From the Regional Plan, we’ve developed community plans, that outline at a more detailed level where and how different types of development may occur in each unique community. Some uses of land are either plainly allowed or not allowed in particular areas, which is then enforced at the land use bylaw level through zoning which is often referred to as “as-of-right” development.

However, at the community plan level there are some types of development that are pointed as being possible to be considered in certain areas, but that would require a closer look on a case-by-case basis through the planning application process. This is the process that this application is being considered under.


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The standard process for planning applications starts when an application is received. Staff then complete an internal review of the application to ensure it is feasible and meeting minimum standards. Then application information is provided to the public and staff collect any public comments. This is the stage this application is currently in. Staff will then request or negotiate revisions and refinement to the plans. Once this is complete, staff will provide a report to Community Council at a “First Reading” meeting. Community Council can then choose to consider the application at a public hearing. Typically, a decision will be made after the closing of the public hearing. There is then a 14-day appeal period before any decision is made final.


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The purpose of public consultation is to engage the community to provide an opportunity for the public to receive information about the proposal, ask questions, and provide any feedback. Feedback provided will inform the process and will form part of the public record.


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The Role of an HRM Planner in this process is to serve as a project lead, managing the process of reviewing the application, as well as to be the main point of the contact for both the applicant and the public. HRM Staff will then draft a staff report containing a recommendation to Council.

Ultimately it is Community Council that approves or refuses an application.


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This specific application is requesting that a development agreement is entered, which would allow construction of an 8-storey apartment building containing 96 residential units.

A Development Agreement is a legal agreement between a property owner and the Municipality to ensure a site is developed in a particular manner.

Development Agreements can contain standard requirements such as maximum height and minimum size of yard, but also can contain more detailed requirements about site and building design. Requirements of a Development Agreement are shaped by policy considerations contained in the community plan.

The final decision regarding an application is ultimately up to Community Council, but a proposal, at a minimum, must address local planning policy.


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The property in question is located along the Bedford Highway, south of the intersection of the Bedford Highway and Larry Uteck Boulevard.


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The property currently contains a commercial/office building, which some may remember as previously being the Manor House furniture store. This building would be replaced by the proposed building.


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This property is in an area of commercial uses along the bedford highway and varying levels of residential uses throughout the area. There are a number of apartment or condo buildings in the area, including the Ocean Brook Park complex to the rear. A few other uses of note include Ecole Beaubassin to the rear and the Hemlock Ravine Park to the south.

The area has also seen a fair bit of change in recent years, including a number of residential developments under construction or recently completed in the immediate area.


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The Bedford Highway is a main arterial route and is serviced by a number of public transit routes. It is also noted that Council has approved a Bedford Highway Functional Plan, which directs that improvements to the Bedford Highway be made, including improving actives transportation options for walking and biking.


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In terms of planning context, this property is within the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy area and is within the Highway Commercial planning designation. This application is being considered against Policy 1.8 of the Bedford Highway Secondary Planning Strategy section.

The underlying zone assigned to this lot is C-2B. The zone standards, found in the Halifax Mainland Land Use Bylaw would allow an apartment building through the “as-of-right” process if they are less than 35 feet in height. However proposals for apartment buildings over 35 feet require a Development Agreement under policy 1.8.


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Policy 1.8 applies to an area called “Schedule R”. The intention of the Schedule R areas is to “to promote investment in mixed use redevelopment within two specific nodes along the Bedford Highway”.


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Policy 1.8 enables Council to consider this application and provides considerations which must be taken into account when making a decision. These policy considerations include building and site design, impacts on surrounding properties, the retention of view of the Bedford Basin from public spaces, as well as infrastructure capabilities, including sewer and water, as well as access from the public road.


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The applicant has provided documents to support their application, including building drawings. I will provide a few views here, but encourage you to visit our webpage to take a closer look if you wish. These documents and other are available by going to and scrolling down to PLANAPP-2023-00321.

Shown here is a view of the site plan, demonstrating the location of the building on the lot as well as areas for vehicles.


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Shown here are the side elevation views of the proposed building, showing the left and right sides in relation to the Bedford Highway.


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Here are the front and back elevation drawings. The front being the building facing the Bedford Highway.


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Still have questions or want more information? I encourage you to check out the materials available on the application webpage. You can reach this page by going to and scrolling down to PLANAPP-2023-00321.

If you would like to provide your feedback, please contact the assigned planner, which is myself, Taylor MacIntosh. I will be Compiling and reviewing comments made and am available to answer your questions.


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I am reachable by email, at or phone at 902-219-0836. Finally, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to watch this video and participating in the planning in your community.


Contact Information

Taylor MacIntosh, Planner 2


Phone: 902-219-0836