Transit Priority Corridors
Consultation has concluded

Bayers Road Transit Priority Bus Lane and Street Improvements
The tender for Phase 1 of this project, the construction of dedicated bus lanes on Romans Avenue to Connaught Avenue, was awarded to Dexter Construction Company Limited on June 23, 2020. Phase 1 construction is anticipated to begin on July 6, 2020 and will take two construction seasons to complete. This project is a key component of Halifax Transit’s Moving Forward Together Plan (2016) and the Integrated Mobility Plan (2017), which recommend investment in transit lanes for the Bayers Road corridor in order to give priority to buses over general traffic, improve transit reliability, and ultimately encourage more people to use transit.
In addition to regular public service announcements during construction, general project construction updates will be posted to this page as required. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during the construction phase. View the original staff report (keep scrolling down for Bayers Road information).
Questions about tendering and construction? Contact:
For construction related inquiries - Doug Crossman, HRM Construction Services or call 311
Overall Project Inquires - Abdullah Mofarrah, P.Eng, Project Manager, HRM Project Planning & Design
Other street related projects in the Bayers Road area:
Nova Scotia Power: NSP with Bell Aliant are currently replacing utility poles and lines within the Bayers Rd project limits in advance of the Bayers Road Transit Corridor project. Various stages of this work will continue into the summer in coordination with the municipal project.
Halifax Water: Sewer Separation - Romans Ave, Federal Ave & McAlpine Ave. This project will be ongoing throughout the 2020 construction season.
Thanks to everyone who attended the open house on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at the Halifax Forum. View the Open House poster boards.
Additional project info available.