Case 23472 - West End Mall Future Growth Node

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Last updated June 25, 2024

Project status
As of June, 2024 the municipality continues to engage with landowners to receive the required technical studies to advance the planning process. In the fall of 2023, the lands were sold from the previous landowner to PRIMARIS REIT. The application continues to be active and the new landowner has indicated interest in advancing the process. No new materials have been received as of the time of this update.

A new video and poster have been added to the "videos" and "documents" tabs on this webpage which provide additional information on the comprehensive neighbourhood planning process.

Project outline and background
On December 14, 2021 Regional Council initiated a process to amend the Regional Centre Secondary Planning Strategy (RCSMPS) and other applicable planning documents to develop a comprehensive neighbourhood plan for the West End Mall FGN. The FGN designation under the Regional Centre Plan is intended to support a comprehensive planning process needed to guide the development of mixed-use communities with supporting public infrastructure.

The property management company of the lands at the time, Cushman and Wakefield Asset Services, proposed a major redevelopment of the Halifax Shopping Centre Annex, which is the shopping mall property bounded by the CN Rail cut, Mumford Road and Leppert Street (map link).

Given the size of the site, and the number of buildings that could be built, redevelopment is expected to take many years. The main aspects of the proposal include:

  • Removing some mall buildings;
  • Creating new public streets and new development blocks;
  • A new municipal transit (bus) terminal, presently proposed by the applicant to be underground;
  • 15 residential towers, up to 90 metres in height, on mid-rise podiums;
  • A mix of residential and commercial uses; and
  • About 5,560 new residential units.

The FGN is composed of several separate lots with nine landowners. To date, the other landowners have not submitted redevelopment proposals, but they will be invited to join the planning process. Future Growth Nodes are intended to be planned in a comprehensive manner.

In the fall of 2023, the lands were sold from the previous landowner to PRIMARIS REIT. The application continues to be active and the new landowner has indicated interest in advancing the process.

Plan and By-law context
The planning process will create new municipal planning policy and is taking place through the Future Growth Node Planning Process of the Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (“Centre Plan”) This process is laid out in plan policies F-3, F-4, F-5 and F-6.

The planning process will address items that are needed for a new complete community through a neighbourhood plan for the entire area. This will include new roads, parks, pathways, housing mix, and any other amenities. Policies and regulations will be drafted to guide the phasing, use and form of development.

What is the proposed planning process?
The planning process will address what is needed for a new complete community through a neighbourhood plan for the entire area. This will include new roads, parks, pathways, housing mix, and any other amenities. Policies will be drafted for the municipal plan to guide development which will enable property owners within the FGN to apply for development agreements.

How can I participate in the planning process?
The public will be invited to participate in further engagement sessions once planning policies have been drafted. Stay tuned to this page, and follow municipal social media channels, to stay informed. A mailout notification will be sent to residents who live near the West End Mall informing them of engagement opportunities.

Last updated June 25, 2024

Project status
As of June, 2024 the municipality continues to engage with landowners to receive the required technical studies to advance the planning process. In the fall of 2023, the lands were sold from the previous landowner to PRIMARIS REIT. The application continues to be active and the new landowner has indicated interest in advancing the process. No new materials have been received as of the time of this update.

A new video and poster have been added to the "videos" and "documents" tabs on this webpage which provide additional information on the comprehensive neighbourhood planning process.

Project outline and background
On December 14, 2021 Regional Council initiated a process to amend the Regional Centre Secondary Planning Strategy (RCSMPS) and other applicable planning documents to develop a comprehensive neighbourhood plan for the West End Mall FGN. The FGN designation under the Regional Centre Plan is intended to support a comprehensive planning process needed to guide the development of mixed-use communities with supporting public infrastructure.

The property management company of the lands at the time, Cushman and Wakefield Asset Services, proposed a major redevelopment of the Halifax Shopping Centre Annex, which is the shopping mall property bounded by the CN Rail cut, Mumford Road and Leppert Street (map link).

Given the size of the site, and the number of buildings that could be built, redevelopment is expected to take many years. The main aspects of the proposal include:

  • Removing some mall buildings;
  • Creating new public streets and new development blocks;
  • A new municipal transit (bus) terminal, presently proposed by the applicant to be underground;
  • 15 residential towers, up to 90 metres in height, on mid-rise podiums;
  • A mix of residential and commercial uses; and
  • About 5,560 new residential units.

The FGN is composed of several separate lots with nine landowners. To date, the other landowners have not submitted redevelopment proposals, but they will be invited to join the planning process. Future Growth Nodes are intended to be planned in a comprehensive manner.

In the fall of 2023, the lands were sold from the previous landowner to PRIMARIS REIT. The application continues to be active and the new landowner has indicated interest in advancing the process.

Plan and By-law context
The planning process will create new municipal planning policy and is taking place through the Future Growth Node Planning Process of the Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (“Centre Plan”) This process is laid out in plan policies F-3, F-4, F-5 and F-6.

The planning process will address items that are needed for a new complete community through a neighbourhood plan for the entire area. This will include new roads, parks, pathways, housing mix, and any other amenities. Policies and regulations will be drafted to guide the phasing, use and form of development.

What is the proposed planning process?
The planning process will address what is needed for a new complete community through a neighbourhood plan for the entire area. This will include new roads, parks, pathways, housing mix, and any other amenities. Policies will be drafted for the municipal plan to guide development which will enable property owners within the FGN to apply for development agreements.

How can I participate in the planning process?
The public will be invited to participate in further engagement sessions once planning policies have been drafted. Stay tuned to this page, and follow municipal social media channels, to stay informed. A mailout notification will be sent to residents who live near the West End Mall informing them of engagement opportunities.