Alderney Drive Functional Plan - Phase One (Active Transportation & Transit)
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The municipality wants to hear from you about proposed active transportation and transit priority changes on a corridor between Wyse Road and Thistle Street to Alderney Drive and Dundas Street. This will impact segments of Wyse Road, Windmill Road and Alderney Drive.This public engagement will inform a functional plan that will help the municipality continue its work to build safer, more comfortable and convenient walking, cycling and transit connections for people of all ages and abilities.
About the project
Engagement will inform a phase one functional plan that will bridge the gap between existing all-ages-and-abilities (AAA) active transportation facilities between the intersection of Wyse Road and Thistle Street through to Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail at Alderney Gate. The phase one functional design will help complete active transportation facilities linking MacDonald Bridge to the Woodside Ferry Terminal. This planning and engagement will consider how planned upgrades will improve road safety and accessibility for all users.
The functional plan will establish a preferred option for improved transit priority along the corridor as shown below. This planning and engagment will consider how planned upgrades will improve road safety and accessibility for all users.
Project overview
Phase one includes concepts for improving walking, rolling, cycling and taking transit. Phase two - expected to launch in two to three years - will build on this project and more comprehensively consider features such as streetscaping, placemaking and Bus Rapid Transit.
The objectives of this project are:
To conduct functional planning to establish the feasibility of a more comfortable and safer active transportation facility that connects the Alderney Landing to the Wyse Road/ Thistle Street intersection;
Identify the preferred routing option and facility type with “Complete Street” considerations that will improve pedestrians and cyclists’ travel between destinations in downtown Dartmouth and Macdonald Bridge;
Consider priority features for transit routes along this corridor and to continue along Alderney Drive to Dundas Street intersection; and,
To prepare a 30 per cent design of the preferred concept.
Public engagement
Public engagement will be conducted during summer 2024 where a preferred Active Transportation route and Transit improvements will be identified. The public engagement will include:
Online Survey - The survey will be open from July 17 (evening) to August 23, 2024
Public Open House - July 17 and 22 between 6:30 and 8:30 pm at Dartmouth Zatzman Sportsplex
Pop-up - July 25 at Alderney Landing from 4 to 6pm
Please note: The on-line survey is now closed.
The municipality wants to hear from you about proposed active transportation and transit priority changes on a corridor between Wyse Road and Thistle Street to Alderney Drive and Dundas Street. This will impact segments of Wyse Road, Windmill Road and Alderney Drive.This public engagement will inform a functional plan that will help the municipality continue its work to build safer, more comfortable and convenient walking, cycling and transit connections for people of all ages and abilities.
About the project
Engagement will inform a phase one functional plan that will bridge the gap between existing all-ages-and-abilities (AAA) active transportation facilities between the intersection of Wyse Road and Thistle Street through to Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail at Alderney Gate. The phase one functional design will help complete active transportation facilities linking MacDonald Bridge to the Woodside Ferry Terminal. This planning and engagement will consider how planned upgrades will improve road safety and accessibility for all users.
The functional plan will establish a preferred option for improved transit priority along the corridor as shown below. This planning and engagment will consider how planned upgrades will improve road safety and accessibility for all users.
Project overview
Phase one includes concepts for improving walking, rolling, cycling and taking transit. Phase two - expected to launch in two to three years - will build on this project and more comprehensively consider features such as streetscaping, placemaking and Bus Rapid Transit.
The objectives of this project are:
To conduct functional planning to establish the feasibility of a more comfortable and safer active transportation facility that connects the Alderney Landing to the Wyse Road/ Thistle Street intersection;
Identify the preferred routing option and facility type with “Complete Street” considerations that will improve pedestrians and cyclists’ travel between destinations in downtown Dartmouth and Macdonald Bridge;
Consider priority features for transit routes along this corridor and to continue along Alderney Drive to Dundas Street intersection; and,
To prepare a 30 per cent design of the preferred concept.
Public engagement
Public engagement will be conducted during summer 2024 where a preferred Active Transportation route and Transit improvements will be identified. The public engagement will include:
Online Survey - The survey will be open from July 17 (evening) to August 23, 2024
Public Open House - July 17 and 22 between 6:30 and 8:30 pm at Dartmouth Zatzman Sportsplex
Pop-up - July 25 at Alderney Landing from 4 to 6pm
Alderney Drive Functional Plan - Phase One (Active Transportation & Transit) has finished this stage
Project team assembled
Existing Conditions Research
Alderney Drive Functional Plan - Phase One (Active Transportation & Transit) has finished this stage
Data collection, including traffic speed and volumes and pedestrian counts. Site visits conducted to take photos and observe traffic conditions.
Public Engagement
Alderney Drive Functional Plan - Phase One (Active Transportation & Transit) is currently at this stage
Share concepts with the public and Stakeholders to collect feedback on pros and cons of each concept.
Selection of Preferred Concepts
this is an upcoming stage for Alderney Drive Functional Plan - Phase One (Active Transportation & Transit)
Review public and stakeholder feedback. Review impact studies. Evaluate each option and select preferred concepts.
Functional Plan Complete
this is an upcoming stage for Alderney Drive Functional Plan - Phase One (Active Transportation & Transit)
The completed functional plan summarizes data collection, public and stakeholder engagement, results of impact studies as well as the 30% design drawings on the preferred concepts. This information is included in a report to Council.