Building a Better Solid Waste System, Together

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Consultation has concluded

Over the past weeks, we've come together as a community, in-person and online, to talk about our options for evolving HRM's waste system. This video recaps what we heard during the first phase of engagement.

Thank you for participating in this process. The survey and discussion forums are now closed. All responses will be compiled and packaged for inclusion in the final report. Stay tuned for updates.

Answers to your questions

Last updated on October 15, 2013

We've received a lot of questions during our public engagement events and are working on answering them all. Some are similar, so we've grouped them together. You can find the most up to date Q&A below, as well as the list of all the questions you've asked.

What we've heard

Phase 1 of the solid waste strategy review community engagement program consisted of consultations with industry stakeholders, residents of the communities in nearest proximity to the Otter Lake landfill, and members of the general public across all of HRM. A summary of key themes that have arisen in the engagement process thus far and the relative weight of each category of feedback is presented in the following Midterm Project Report.

Over the past weeks, we've come together as a community, in-person and online, to talk about our options for evolving HRM's waste system. This video recaps what we heard during the first phase of engagement.

Thank you for participating in this process. The survey and discussion forums are now closed. All responses will be compiled and packaged for inclusion in the final report. Stay tuned for updates.

Answers to your questions

Last updated on October 15, 2013

We've received a lot of questions during our public engagement events and are working on answering them all. Some are similar, so we've grouped them together. You can find the most up to date Q&A below, as well as the list of all the questions you've asked.

What we've heard

Phase 1 of the solid waste strategy review community engagement program consisted of consultations with industry stakeholders, residents of the communities in nearest proximity to the Otter Lake landfill, and members of the general public across all of HRM. A summary of key themes that have arisen in the engagement process thus far and the relative weight of each category of feedback is presented in the following Midterm Project Report.

Discussions: All (9) Open (0)
  • What do you appreciate most about the way we handle our trash in HRM?

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share What do you appreciate most about the way we handle our trash in HRM? on Facebook Share What do you appreciate most about the way we handle our trash in HRM? on Twitter Share What do you appreciate most about the way we handle our trash in HRM? on Linkedin Email What do you appreciate most about the way we handle our trash in HRM? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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  • What is most important as we evolve our current waste system?

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share What is most important as we evolve our current waste system? on Facebook Share What is most important as we evolve our current waste system? on Twitter Share What is most important as we evolve our current waste system? on Linkedin Email What is most important as we evolve our current waste system? link
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  • What principles should guide our future decisions?

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share What principles should guide our future decisions? on Facebook Share What principles should guide our future decisions? on Twitter Share What principles should guide our future decisions? on Linkedin Email What principles should guide our future decisions? link
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  • What are you most excited about regarding potential changes to your curb on collection day? What do you support?

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share What are you most excited about regarding potential changes to your curb on collection day? What do you support? on Facebook Share What are you most excited about regarding potential changes to your curb on collection day? What do you support? on Twitter Share What are you most excited about regarding potential changes to your curb on collection day? What do you support? on Linkedin Email What are you most excited about regarding potential changes to your curb on collection day? What do you support? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    At our public events we've heard a lot about potential changes to your curb on collection day, such as:

    • Clear garbage bags
    • Weekly green cart pick up
    • Single blue cart for all recyclables
    • Garbage bag limits - from 6 bags to 4 per household


    What are you most excited about? What do you support?

  • Let's talk: Increasing diversion (reduce, reuse, recycle)

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share Let's talk: Increasing diversion (reduce, reuse, recycle) on Facebook Share Let's talk: Increasing diversion (reduce, reuse, recycle) on Twitter Share Let's talk: Increasing diversion (reduce, reuse, recycle) on Linkedin Email Let's talk: Increasing diversion (reduce, reuse, recycle) link
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    Discuss if you are in favour of the following options under consideration. Why or why not?

    • Reduce bag limits from 6 to 4
    • Use clear bags for garbage
    • Increase inspections at the curb
    • Increase education at high rise apartments and commercial properties
    • Increase inspections and rejections of material when it arrives at the landfill
    • Expand the household hazardous waste program with new depot(s)


    Discuss if you are in favour of the following options under consideration. Why or why not?

    • Reduce bag limits from 6 to 4
    • Use clear bags for garbage
    • Increase inspections at the curb
    • Increase education at high rise apartments and commercial properties
    • Increase inspections and rejections of material when it arrives at the landfill
    • Expand the household hazardous waste program with new depot(s)
  • Let's talk: Changes at your curb

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share Let's talk: Changes at your curb on Facebook Share Let's talk: Changes at your curb on Twitter Share Let's talk: Changes at your curb on Linkedin Email Let's talk: Changes at your curb link
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    Discuss if you are in favour of the following options under consideration. Why or why not?:

    • Introduce black carts for garbage (with or without user pay model for different size cart)
    • Separate large appliance metal collection from regular garbage
    • Co-collection of multiple waste streams in split trucks


    Discuss if you are in favour of the following options under consideration. Why or why not?:

    • Introduce black carts for garbage (with or without user pay model for different size cart)
    • Separate large appliance metal collection from regular garbage
    • Co-collection of multiple waste streams in split trucks
    Click to read:

  • Let's talk: Recycling changes

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share Let's talk: Recycling changes on Facebook Share Let's talk: Recycling changes on Twitter Share Let's talk: Recycling changes on Linkedin Email Let's talk: Recycling changes link
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    • All recyclables mixed together in 1 bag (plastic, glass, cans, paper, cardboard) instead of the current 2-bag system
    • Introduce blue carts instead of blue bags (including split cart option for existing 2-stream recycling)

    • All recyclables mixed together in 1 bag (plastic, glass, cans, paper, cardboard) instead of the current 2-bag system
    • Introduce blue carts instead of blue bags (including split cart option for existing 2-stream recycling)


    Click to read:

  • Let's talk: Organics and composting

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share Let's talk: Organics and composting on Facebook Share Let's talk: Organics and composting on Twitter Share Let's talk: Organics and composting on Linkedin Email Let's talk: Organics and composting link
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    • Increase frequency of organics collection to weekly, year-round
    • Collect leaf and yard waste separate from green cart
    • Accept only paper bags for collection of leaf and yard waste
    • Smaller green carts for food waste only
    • Make HRM compost available for purchase

    • Increase frequency of organics collection to weekly, year-round
    • Collect leaf and yard waste separate from green cart
    • Accept only paper bags for collection of leaf and yard waste
    • Smaller green carts for food waste only
    • Make HRM compost available for purchase


  • Let's talk: Landfill site changes

    by IanC, over 11 years ago
    Share Let's talk: Landfill site changes on Facebook Share Let's talk: Landfill site changes on Twitter Share Let's talk: Landfill site changes on Linkedin Email Let's talk: Landfill site changes link
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    • Extend operations at existing site (Otter Lake)
    • Discontinue garbage processing at FEP/WSF and repurpose for organics processing
    • Construct consolidated waste campus model at Otter Lake
    • Construct consolidated waste campus model at new landfill site
    • Increase cell height (5, 10 or 15 metres higher)
    • Explore new technology options 

    • Extend operations at existing site (Otter Lake)
    • Discontinue garbage processing at FEP/WSF and repurpose for organics processing
    • Construct consolidated waste campus model at Otter Lake
    • Construct consolidated waste campus model at new landfill site
    • Increase cell height (5, 10 or 15 metres higher)
    • Explore new technology options